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Commercial Real Estate Agents – What You Need to Know About This Field

Within the world of real estate, there are a wide number of choices of careers. Besides the most common type – residential real estate agent or realtor – there are also jobs in the commercial estate, commercial brokerages, residential brokerages, industrial brokerages, farm estate, and appraisal offices. 

Here are some things you should know about commercial real estate in Nelson to see if it's right for you.

Within the world of commercial estate, there are several sub-categories. There are retail, industrial, institutional, office, resort, and investment. In big cities, this can get broken down even further. Some agents might only deal in high-rise office tower leasing, for instance.

It's easier to get into the residential estate, and it's also easier to earn your first paycheck in that part of the field. The properties a commercial agent handles are of a much higher price than houses are. The commission amounts, therefore, are much higher. 

The commercial field is much more corporate and less personal. You are dealing with high-powered company officers instead of young families buying their first homes. If you are in a small town, you can end up selling both types. In any larger areas, though, you will end up specializing.

It takes a license like all other types of estate property. However, commercial firms often require full college degrees in business or finance in addition to your real estate classes. Sometimes people with master's degrees in finance go into the commercial field.