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Establishing Authority With Backlinks

Backlinks are one of the most important factors in the search engine optimization (SEO) game. A backlink is simply a link from a specific website to another website. A backlink can be natural like this, a one-way, or a two-way. It's basically a "vote" for your website by other websites linking back to it.

high-quality backlinks is valued more than a low-quality link. Search engines look at backlinks as votes of confidence. Higher-quality backlinks are seen as an indicator of a company's legitimacy. One of the reasons SEOs look at backlinks is the relevancy of a website. If a search engine sees a website being linked to by relevant sites, it considers the backlinks to be more relevant to the query, and the ranking is increased.

Another reason backlinks are so important is that search engines will reward you with higher for having many more backlinks from other sites. Thus, it's important to have backlinks from relevant sites. But how do you get backlinks? Here are a few options:

Anchor Text Backlinks Just as Google considers the anchor text of an article to be important, search engines do the same with backlinks. An anchor text is simply a hyperlinked word or phrase pointing to another website. For example, if I wrote an article about dog grooming, I'd want to include words such as "dog grooming", "pet grooming", "dog training", and so on. Anchor texts are especially valuable for rankings. They're important in getting backlinks but are just as important when choosing which backlinks to build. Thus, it's important to know what anchor text is best for your website.

Organic Search Engine Traffic Just as the title of this article implies, organic search traffic is the total number of inbound links that point back to your website. This total number includes inbound links from other websites, both the sites you've linked to and links from other sites that link to you. These are called organic search engine traffic. The higher the organic search traffic number, the more authority your site has in your niche, and the more likely you are to rank well for that keyword or phrase.

Managed Inbound Links When you have more than one website link coming to your site, this is considered a managed backlink campaign. Essentially, there are two goals here. First, it shows the search engines that your site can have a lot of inbound links, even though some are coming from offsite sources. Second, it gives you a measure of the importance of your site to your niche. The higher the number of backlinks, the more significant your role in that niche's online community is.

Web Directories This is the best type of backlinks since you have one website linking back to you. However, not all web directories are equal. Some web directories only count on internal web traffic, which won't necessarily be a reliable source. Some web directories also may impose certain restrictions, such as requiring webmasters to submit their site's URL to their directory in order to obtain backlinks. While it may look like you're getting a lot of backlinks, the quality of one or more of your backlinks is less than ideal, making it really tough to rank well for that keyword or phrase.

Original Patent The final category is called the original patent. This is one of the most effective forms of backlinks available. It involves gaining backlinks from sites with higher search engine rankings, including at the same time a web page that is itself authoritative. This gives the impression that both the original patent holder and the page linking back to them have high-quality backlinks, which is very important for the quality score of any SEO algorithm. While it requires a little more work on your part, original patent backlinks can help you establish authority in your niche and increase your page's rankings.