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LastSwab – The Reusable Cotton Swab

LastSwab offers a sustainable and reusable alternative to cotton swabs. It reduces the number of single-use cotton strips that are being produced each day by reducing the number of them. LastSwab is an eco-friendly alternative to single-use cotton wipes. LastSwab can be re-used up to 1,000 times. It comes in three versions: Basic for ear cleaning, for makeup touchup, and many more.

The LastSwab makeup Q-tip is a sustainable, reusable, and sanitary option for cotton buds and swabs. The reusable makeup q tips have pointed tips that are perfect for cleaning small spaces and making makeup touch-ups. If you also want a reusable LastSwab then you can click this link.

Buy LastSwab Basic Blue on Kazidomi

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The LastSwab Baby can be used to clean delicate areas such as the eyes, outer ears, nose, and navel. It also allows you to apply the cream to specific areas. It is a sustainable, reusable option that can replace up to 1000 cotton swabs. Every member of your family can now go green.

One LastSwab can save the planet more than 1000 single-use cotton wipes. You can save the earth from more than 5,000 single-use cotton swabs with our family bundle.

Zero Waste:

These zero waste LastSwabs are made from recycled ocean-bound plastic and help reduce environmental pollution.

It's easy to clean:

LastSwab products are easy to store and clean.

Danish Design:

To ensure that you get thousands of use out of your LastSwab, sustainability, quality and durability are key components of the product design.