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antenatal clinic

What To Expect At The Antenatal Clinic

There is a common myth that clinical visits should begin after five months of pregnancy. I do not know the cause, but many women are satisfied. The fact is that you should visit a health center and clinics at the moment you find out you are expecting.

The visits allow interaction between the mother and the expectation of the healthcare professional. For some women, this is the only time they ever visit a health facility. So what happens in antenatal care visits?

antenatal clinic

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During the first visit, also known as the booking visit, medical history and very detailed obstetrics are taken. Of interest are the previous illnesses requiring hospitalization, previous pregnancies and their outcomes, and the use of contraception.

A family history of chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes is also important. After the story is taken, she has completed a full medical examination. This forms the basis of all scheduled examinations and monitoring.

The parameters such as height, weight, blood pressure, and BMI are taken and recorded. Some routine tests are also performed. Thereof include a hemoglobin test for anemia, a urine test for proteins in the glucose, blood, urine, bacteria, etc. All these results have medical implications and are essential.

Other important tests include blood testing for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, the level of sugar in the blood, and the patient's blood type. Other tests can be done depending on the institution and the patient's needs.