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best laser hair removal hk

Benefits And Types Of Laser Hair Removal

Everybody wants to get rid of unwanted body hair. They start using temporary and painful methods for that. But rather than this, there are many other solutions also like Soprano ice laser hair removal. This kind of laser hair removal gives a permanent solution to body hair.

Laser hair removal has many benefits, especially when compared to other methods of hair removal: Laser hair removal is very fast, although the time depends mainly on the size of the area being targeted.

For example, it will surely take longer to extract hair from the back than from the upper lip.

The effects last for a long period. Unlike other forms of hair removal such as shaving and waxing where it takes days or weeks before the hair grows back, the hair is effectively removed with a laser and will not grow back for months or years.

If when it grows back, finer hair (less rough), lighter, and looks nothing like before. In some cases, the hair is permanently lost and never grows back.

This is a very precise procedure, provided people do that well trained and experienced. Laser beams can work with precision and target unwanted hair without damaging the surrounding skin.

Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that is safe as long as it is done by a certified dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. The main types of lasers used for hair removal are:

  • Alexandrite laser

  • Ruby Laser

  • Nd: YAG

  • Pulsed diode array

  • Intense pulsed light