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When Should You Visit A Gynaecologist in Nairobi


The gynecologist is a specialized physician whose practice is focused on women's reproductive health. This doctor addresses many different issues, including childbirth, pregnancy, fertility, menstruation, and hormone disorders. To become one, a doctor must have completed at least eight years of training and must be certified by a registered examining body.

An experienced women specialist in Nairobi is registered with a professional organization or a board of gynecologists, too. But when should you see one?

Here are some things to know:

  • The best time to see a gynecologist is between the ages of 13 and 15. The gynecologist can address certain issues like abdominal pain, heavy bleeding, prolonged bleeding, and irregular periods, too.

  • See a gynecologist in Nairobi if you are planning to get pregnant or if you are having difficulty conceiving. A lot of gynecologists specialize in obstetrics, too. Obstetricians are doctors who specialize in childbirth and pregnancy. They may help improve your chances of becoming pregnant and diagnose conditions that may be affecting your chances of conceiving.

  • If you are already approaching the age of menopause and you notice changes in your menstrual cycle, check with a gynecologist to rule out pregnancy and to help you understand this stage in your life. They can help you understand the changes in your body as you grow older, too.

So in order to avoid facing stressful and emergency situations, it is always advisable to go for regular checkups with the doctor.