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drone photographer perth

Rules to Follow While Flying your Drone

drone photography in Perth real estate

Courtesy – Canva

Do you own a drone? Follow these important rules at the time of flying.

  1. Do not Overspeed – Flying at a high speed is never recommended. Moreover, flying at high speed will only lead to bad footage. Therefore, fly your drone at a slow pace in order to get that cinematic shot.
  2. Do not rush – Do not rush to fly your drone provided you are at an amazing location. First, you should consider scanning the area for various elements like the presence of trees, buildings, and tall structures to avoid accidents.
  3. Do not Move the Drone in a Jerky Manner – Make sure you control the joysticks in order to avoid jerky movements. Moreover, such movements will result in bad footage.
  4. Do not Fly Immediately – Again, when you reach an amazing location, the first thing you do is avoid flying immediately. Make sure you calibrate the drone helping the drone to stay stable in the air. Moreover, check the batteries for a full charge.
  5. Do not Shoot Boring Shots – If you’ve tried a few movements, avoid using the same. You can consider watching movies in order to get inspired by that cinematic footage. Moreover, you can try different types of movements in order to offer your audience those beautiful shots. For example; you can try the orbital shot by going clockwise or anticlockwise with the help of your joysticks. You can also try going either backwards or forward while tilting the gimbal up or down.

Use these tips when it comes to real estate drone photography in Perth.