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flare stack inspection

Using Reliable Pilot Ignition In Flare Stack

Industrial plants around the world commonly require portable flare stacks. Without these products, these sites may not burn off flammable gases from the pressure relief valves, which serve as exhausts. The flare stacks light up to burn the gases before they go any further in the atmosphere or surrounding areas.

Pilot ignition capability is especially important in petroleum extraction and production facilities. When oil wells extract and produce petroleum crude oil, some raw natural gas reaches the surface as well. You must conduct flare stack guy wire inspections to avoid accidents and damages.

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Industrial plants using portable flare stacks include petroleum refineries, offshore gas, and oil rigs, landfills, chemical plants, and natural gas processing plants. Some plants use them for safety reasons, to protect the plant from explosions that may result from unplanned over-pressuring. 

Pilot ignition flares should be of top quality, no matter what size of operations you buy them for. Cutting your costs by using low-quality flares may cost you more in the long run, they can also lead to damages in your whole process or plant if they become faulty because of poor quality or upkeep.

Three things you should think about when buying flare stacks include the following:

Delivery time – Look for a company that can deliver your goods in a few weeks, but also consider situations that might demand quick delivery in a few days or even 24 hours.

Product quality – A firm that has a good record of producing top-quality items should rank high on your list. 

Value for your investment – All components of the flare should work. A failing component will result in a faulty flare. So do not settle for cheap knock-offs. Find a company that sells only top-quality equipment with a reasonable warranty.