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Immigration NZ Residence Visa

Reasons to Get Your Immigration NZ Residence Visa

A residency visa gives you the right to live and work in New Zealand as long as you keep your visa valid. It is a temporary visa that enables you to stay in New Zealand for a specific period of time. 

A residency visa is different from a student visa or a work visa. A residency visa lets you live and work in New Zealand permanently. You can also apply for a residence card via after you have been living in New Zealand for a certain period of time. This card will give you many benefits, including access to social welfare and health services.

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To start with, an Immigration NZ residence visa is the best way to stay in New Zealand if you are not a citizen of New Zealand. This is because it allows you to live and work here without any restrictions.

You can also apply for New Zealand citizenship if you want, but this is not required in order to hold an Immigration NZ residence visa. An Immigration NZ residence visa is also the best way to stay in New Zealand if you are a citizen of another country.

Another reason to get an Immigration NZ residence visa is that it gives you permanent residency status in New Zealand. This means that you will not have to leave New Zealand every time you need to renew your visa or apply for another type of visa.