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Process Of Choosing The Best Laser Liposuction Technique in Hawaii

The new laser liposuction technique is receiving a lot of attention in Hawaii. Many believe that laser liposuction has revolutionized the process of liposuction. Laser liposuction is a new technology that melts fat into liquid, making it easier to remove the fat. The melting of fat allows for a uniform removal of fat.

It results in smoother skin, without contour deformities, lumps, bumps, and other problems that can occur with "old time" suction assisted lipscission methods. The heat produced during laser liposuction also tightens the skin. There are many differences in the various laser liposuction machines that are currently in use. Laser liposuction is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment in Hawaii.

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Many companies are restricted by patents and have to use wavelengths that do not specifically target fat removal. Fat cells are actually ripped and sucked from under the skin. Laser liposuction is a new technique that uses a small laser fiber to place a thin laser fiber under the skin to melt the fat and then liquefy it before being removed.

Because the aspiration cannulas are smaller, this allows for less trauma to non-fatty tissue and less injury. A small cannula, about half the size as the older cannulas, is used to melt the liquefied oil. Additionally, the heat from the laser causes the skins to tighten. Patients in Boston have reported improved skin tightening after laser liposuction.

The laser can also liquefy or melt fat. However, the laser can injure many more fat cells, but not remove them. This new technology allows for a much smaller volume of fat to be suctioned. You can treat small areas without needing to suction. It is important to choose the right wavelength for melting fat. The fat absorbs more laser energy than the fat.