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oktoberfest ambassador

Important Things You Should Know About Oktoberfest

If you pick a few hundred people from countries around the world and ask them to name a German public holiday, the crowd will shout at you and sing "OKTOBERFEST". Whether you're in the minority who probably know exactly what Oktoberfest is or just want to learn some fun facts, keep reading.

Oktoberfest was originally the largest folk festival in the world. It lasts for sixteen days and celebrates everyone's favorite drink. You can also get information about oktoberfest ambassador via

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For the people of Munich this is not called Oktoberfest, but “the Wiesn”, which is the name of the fair where Oktoberfest takes place. During the sixteen-day event, the exhibition grounds will use four families of electricity in five decades. 

All this power is put to good use to keep the seven million liters of beer poured each year flowing. On average, this means each diner drank more than a pint of beer!

The traditional fair where the Oktoberfest takes place is not just an open field filled with drinks and laughter. Instead, the exhibition includes more than thirty tents of different sizes serving different drinks from different breweries.

With Oktoberfest being the biggest fair in the world (and certainly one of the biggest annual parties), it's no surprise that people around the world organize their own local Oktoberfest to celebrate with the Bavarians.