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publish book online

Perks of Self-Publishing Your Book

True self-publishing is where the author does everything and forms their own publishing company. One of the biggest negatives about this model is that they invest all their capital in order to publish their work. The author retains the full rights to their book, as well as all editing, cover, and content options.

This is a huge advantage if you self-publish your book. They can decide what the book looks like and sounds like. They are in control of all production and distribution. True freedom! Authors also have full control over their work, which means they can make all profits from self publishing online.

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Because the author is the publisher, there is no cost-sharing with an agent. The author has the option of choosing what price to sell their book and what discounts they will offer. The goal of self-publishers is to make money with their books, and they will make money from every book they sell.

Authors also have control over the publication date. It can sometimes take two to three years for a book to be published by traditional publishers. In self-publishing, the time it takes to publish a book can be as short as a few months depending on how persistent an author is. If the author wants to immediately use their book for business purposes, such as back-of-the-room sales, this timing can be very advantageous.