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The Empowered Mom

Self Empowering – Quitting The Bad Habits

Do you quit at the first sign of trouble? If you decide to make a change and run into issues that you aren't able to overcome, do you lose enthusiasm or momentum, and then give up? 

When you stop on something, you're forming the habit of giving up and If you notice that you're less likely to quit than pushing towards the finish line, you need to find different ways to get rid of the habit of giving up so that you can build the habit of perseverance. You should share the load or make their weekends more relaxed to the empowered mom  in your home.

self empowering

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Utilize these strategies to gain confidence from within to overcome the urge to quit when times get difficult.

Solution #1 – Reframe your mindset

When you imagine the problem you're faced with as difficult, you're sending exactly the same message through your body. There is always a solution for any problem. If you're having difficulties with difficult issues, this could be disorienting. Change your perception. You should change how you view the problem. 

Solution #2 – Do each step at one time

In lieu of trying to accomplish everything in one go or accomplish a task at all at once, break it down into smaller steps. 

If you're having difficulty finishing whatever you've begun consider your overall goals and break them into smaller tasks that you can accomplish within a shorter period of duration.