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Why Custom Made Boxes to be Chosen Over Standard Size Boxes

So you're surfing the net for hours to find a box suitable for the size of your product? No standard sizes are going to fit your product. Every standard packaging box size you find is too big, too small, too tall, or too wide.

You're thinking of all the extra money spent on shipping for a box that's too large for your item, the extra filler, and warehouse space it would take, not to mention all the extra time wasted to re-package something that should only take seconds. What if a custom made box was available for a reasonable price?

A custom box is nice and simple, but the item is the exact size of the box and tape!

You should be able to find the most unusual corrugated cardboard specifications, specializing in custom-made box templates and patterns, including regular, folder, die-cut, and panel wrap.

We all want professional packaging to give us the extra edge.

You want to get your product out fast! Setting up your own systems for custom boxes production is just too much hassle. You can work with an agency that already has the machines for custom-made cardboard boxes, so you don't have to waste time on it!

Simple and Nice, no extra shipping charges for a box that was too large, no extra $ spent on filler, no extra labour charges, and time wasted for the extra time it would have taken to re-package the item.