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How To Choose The Right Exterior Patio Shades For Your Outdoor Space

Your outdoor space can be a great place to relax and entertain, but choosing the right patio shades for your space can be a tricky decision. With so many options available, it can be hard to know which type of shade will be best for your space. Here are a few tips to help guide you in choosing the perfect exterior patio shades for your outdoor space.

1. Consider the Sun Exposure: One of the first things to consider when choosing your exterior patio shades is the amount of sun your space gets. If your patio gets a lot of direct sunlight, then you’ll want to choose a shade that will provide ample protection from the sun’s rays. Sunbrella, which is a fabric shade, is a great choice for providing UV protection.

2. Determine Your Budget: Patio shades come in a variety of materials and prices, so it’s important to determine your budget before you start shopping. If you’re on a tight budget, then you may want to opt for a less expensive, lighter weight shade like bamboo or canvas.

3. Choose the Right Size: Once you’ve determined the material and budget for your patio shades, you’ll need to decide on the right size. Make sure to measure the space you’re trying to cover and find shades that will fit it perfectly.

4. Consider the Color: The color of your patio shades should match the overall aesthetic of your outdoor space. If you’re looking for a more traditional look, then opt for neutral colors like beige or grey. For a more modern look, choose brighter colors like red or blue.