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Best Gum Disease Treatment

Why Do You Need Gum Disease Treatment In Vaughan

Treatment of gum disease depends on various factors such as the stage of the problem, your response to previous care, and your overall health. There are two types of treatments for problems related to gums – non-surgical and surgical. Today we will understand and know more about them.

Non-surgical care controlling bacterial growth and more surgical treatment is a restorative procedure. You can choose the best treatment of gum disease to overcome your dental health problems. Treatment of gum disease that does not involve the operation mentioned below:

1. Dental cleaning: As the name suggests showing a dentist or hygiene your dentist will remove plaque and tartar. Cleaning is done above and below the gum line for all teeth. If they feel it has signs of certain gum disease, your dentist will recommend this professional cleaning twice a year.

2. Scaling and Root Planing: This is a more comprehensive cleaning procedure. In this treatment of plaque and tartar were eroded from above and below the gum line (this is referred to as scaling). After the scenery is done rough spots on the teeth are made smooth (this is called root planing). 

Surgical care for gum disease is generally done to restore your damaged gums and teeth. Treatment mentioned below:

1. Surgical flap / Pocket reduction surgery: according to this procedure, the gum is lifted so that the tartar can be removed. This is the most important step for the treatment of gum disease. 

2. Bone and tissue graft: Your periodontists may even advise you to undergo bone graft operations and networks in addition to flap operations to cure gum disease. Bone grafting is a way to promote the new growth of bones or gums that have been damaged by periodontitis. There is another procedure that is done together with bone grafting and it is called network regeneration. 

Care results depend on many factors such as the severity of the disease, how well you maintain oral hygiene, and whether you smoke or not. If you are a smoker and have undergone treatment for gum disease, the recovery opportunity for gum problems is a minimum. So stay healthy and keep healthy habits.