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tree cutting service

Tree removal services tips

Tree removal is not as simple as it sounds. Even the smallest specimens can be challenging, especially those located close to the structure. It is important to ensure that the tree falls in the correct direction and that the cutting process is controlled because it is the only way to ensure that no one is injured.

If you are not a professional, you should hire a tree removal service. However, if you want to do it yourself, you can follow these tips:

Be careful when working near power poles:

Working in a tree near power lines requires two people on the job. To avoid possible injury, have someone on the ground who can communicate with the people who are cutting.

Use proper knowledge and safety equipment to operate the machine:

Safety glasses, helmets, gloves, and hearing protection save lives every day. The blow from fallen branches or the volume of the saw can cause immediate and long-lasting trauma. Never start a job without this equipment.

Test your limb strength before climbing:

Don't automatically assume that tree limbs will support your weight; looks are deceiving. A thick branch may appear structurally sound but can rot inside. Press the branch down hard enough to test its breaking point. If you see signs of cracking, avoid stepping on it.