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Ways to Improve Your Paragraph Comprehension Scores

Improving your paragraph comprehension scores is to understand the basics of how these tests work. Your score on a paragraph comprehension test will reflect how well you can read and understand complex text.

There are a few things you can do to improve your paragraph comprehension of ASVAB scores. 

  • Read and understand the text before you answer the questions.

  • Try to paraphrase the text in your own words before answering the questions.

  • Use active reading skills to understand the text on a deeper level.

  • Pay attention to detail when reading and analyze the author's use of language.

  • Ask yourself why certain sentences or paragraphs are important to the overall argument and how they contribute to understanding the text.

  • Use context clues to help you understand the author's meaning.

  • Pay close attention to the use of figures of speech and word choice.

  • Try to think like the author and come up with your own interpretations of the text.

  • Ask yourself why certain details are important to the story and how they might influence your understanding.

  • Be prepared to explain your answers in detail if asked. 

By doing so, not only will you be able to improve your score on various comprehension tests and quizzes, but you'll also be able to communicate more effectively and efficiently with others.